Early Childhood Care & Development and Nutrition Project (2009 — 2011)


This project aimed to improve the phys­i­cal, mental, and emo­tional devel­op­ment of under‑5 chil­dren so they could grow health­ily and achieve their full poten­tial in life.

For this project, NPCS part­nered with Divyaankur, who were car­ry­ing out early child­hood care and devel­op­ment activ­i­ties. The project was con­ducted in Lal­it­pur and Bhak­t­pur dis­tricts with funding from World Vision Inter­na­tional Nepal.

Project out­comes

NPCS staff con­ducted suc­cess­ful train­ing ses­sions with health vol­un­teers, preg­nant and breast­feed­ing women, and their families

Chil­dren aged under 2 were reg­u­larly weighed to monitor their growth and parents received cooking lessons on prepar­ing nutri­tious meals for young children

Radio pro­grammes, street drama and public hoard­ing boards were used to encour­age good nutri­tion within fam­i­lies and promote home veg­etable gardens