SUAAHARA Multisectoral Nutrition Initiative (2011 — 2016)
NPCS contributed to the development of this innovative and ambitious project to improve the health of Nepali women and young children. The large-scale project aimed to create long-lasting improvements to the health and nutrition of pregnant women, lactating mothers and under‑2 children by using a multisectoral approach.
Funded by USAID-Nepal and managed by Save the Children Fund, NPCS was assigned to implement the project in Syangja and Parbat districts.
Project outcomes
More than 11,000 mothers and family members were reached with individual counselling about improving nutrition
More than 3000 health, agriculture and other community workers and volunteers were trained in essential nutrition and hygiene actions and behavioural change strategies
The capacity of 26 health posts and outreach clinics were strengthened, and nutrition areas were established in almost 60 health facilities
More than 4000 women and key community leaders were trained in home vegetable gardening
8000 women and volunteers received seeds for out-of-season vegetables
More than 2000 households in economically disadvantaged communities received chickens for poultry and eggs