Pamphlets & Miscellaneous Resources
All pamphlets and resources are in Nepali language.

Nutrition Handbook
25 NRS

Food-based Approach Nutrition Flipchart for Community Trainings
250 Nrs

Nutritious Recipes
75 Nrs

Good Nutrition for School Children…for a brighter future
15 Nrs

Diabetes Diet Sheet
10 NRS
4 page leaflet giving dietary guidelines for those with diabetes in a format easily understood by the public without the need for health staff to explain

Diet sheet for hypertension and healthy heart
10 NRS
4 page leaflet giving advice on lifestyle measures to control blood pressure, including weight
control, reducing fat intake, a low salt diet, and exercise

What to eat when you are sick?
10 NRS
4 page leaflet giving advice to patients and their families on how maintain good nutrition intake during illness and lack of appetite.

Reduce your weight, Improve your health
20 NRS
12 page booklet on how to lose weight including a calorie-counted meal plan
— Protein Energy Malnutrition:
Small handbook describing signs, symptoms and treatment of various types of malnutrition.
— 35Nrs
Nutrition for Pregnant Women*:
Colour pamphlet
— 25 Nrs
The Importance of Good Nutrition
for Adolescent Girls*:
Small handbook on the nutrition needs of this important group.
— 35 Nrs
Nutrition Information Flipchart:
with full-colour photos, a comprehensive guide for nutrition trainers,
— 200 Nrs
Good Nutrition for Kidney Disease:
6 page leaflet for people with chronic kidney disease, Stage 3 and above (dialysis or conservative management),
— 15 Nrs
Mid-upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) Tape:
3‑coloured (green, yellow, red) tape for measuring a child’s MUAC, giving a simple and immediate assessment of their nutritional status.
— 50 Nrs
Laminated Photos:
A large variety of photos, in both black & white and colour, for use in nutrition trainings and demonstrations. 7”x 9“ or 8”x 12”, depending on photo.
— price variable according to order
* Produced by NPCS in collaboration with Ministry of Health, Nepal Government
For more information on, or to order any of these resources, please contact the NPCS office.