Reports and Books

All reports and books are pub­lished in English.


Child Nutri­tion and Health
by Dr. Ramesh Adhikari
and Miriam Krantz.

— 495 Nrs

A com­pre­hen­sive and prac­ti­cal text on child nutri­tion in Nepal, written by two of Nepal’s leading experts on the topic. Includ­ing illus­tra­tions, food tables and meal plans, it is an essen­tial resource for anyone working in the field of nutri­tion in Nepal.

Nutrition Survey Reports:

Understanding UMN’s Nutrition Work and Achievements in Salyan 1995–1999

— 150 Nrs

Under­stand­ing the Nutri­tion Status of the
Area Covered by 6 VDCs, Dailekh (1997, base­line)
— 150 Nrs

Under­stand­ing UMN’s Nutri­tion Work
and Achieve­ments in Dailekh 1997–2000
(impact eval­u­a­tion)
— 155 Nrs

Under­stand­ing the Nutri­tion Status of the Area Covered by 3 VDCs, Dailekh (Dullu, 2001)
— 170 Nrs

Nutri­tional Status of Women and Chil­dren
in Areas Covered by 3 VDCs, Jumla (2000) 
— 155 Nrs

Nutri­tional Status of Chil­dren under 5 years and Women of Repro­duc­tive Age in Tanahu (2003, base­line)
— 180 Nrs

Impact Eval­u­a­tion of Com­mu­nity Nutri­tion Project in Tanahu, 2002–2005
— 200 Nrs

Impact Eval­u­a­tion of Com­mu­nity Nutri­tion Project in Dhading, 2001–2004
— 200 Nrs

The fol­low­ing nutri­tion surveys & reports are
avail­able for review at the NPCS office:

Nutri­tional Status of Adult Patients in Patan Hos­pi­tal, 2001

Base­line survey in Bhak­ta­pur, 2004

24 hour food fre­quency survey in Mak­wan­pur, 2005

Base­line survey in Kavre, 2006

Base­line survey in Dhading and Mahot­tari, 2007 (capac­ity build­ing of health workers project)

Base­line survey and impact eval­u­a­tion for 2nd phase of com­mu­nity work in Dhading, 2005–2008

Base­line survey in Dolakha, 2010 (capac­ity build­ing for com­mu­nity-based health workers project)

Eval­u­a­tion of pilot study of nutri­tion aware­ness project (CNAP) in Maidi VDC, Dhading, 2010-11

Base­line Nutri­tion Survey in Jiri Munic­i­pal­ity, Dolakha Dis­trict (March 2018)

Com­mu­nity Nutri­tion Project Jiri Munic­i­pal­ity, Dolakha Dis­trict, Endline Nutri­tion Survey & Impact Eval­u­a­tion, August 2021

Kan­chan­rup Munic­i­pal­ity, Saptari Dis­trict, Base­line Nutri­tion Survey, Sep­tem­ber 2021


Base­line survey in Balkhu slum, Kath­mandu, 2010 (mater­nal & child nutri­tion pro­mo­tion project)

Mid-term eval­u­a­tion of mater­nal & child nutri­tion pro­mo­tion project, Balkhu slum, Kath­mandu, 2012

Report on growth mon­i­tor­ing in Balkhu & Sankhamul slums, Kath­mandu, 2012.

Base­line Nutri­tion Survey, Ward 22, Lal­it­pur Sub-met­ro­pol­i­tan City (Feb­ru­ary 2014)

Risk factors asso­ci­ated with over­weight and obesity in women in ward 22, Lal­it­pur Sub-met­ro­pol­i­tan City, Lal­it­pur (August 2015)

Base­line Nutri­tion Survey, Sina­man­gal Slum of Kath­mandu Valley, Ward 34 (July 2016)

Base­line, Endline and Com­par­i­son Reports (set of 3) of Focus Group Dis­cus­sions, Sanka­mul Slum Area, Nutri­tion for Urban Com­mu­ni­ties project (2011–2017)

Base­line Nutri­tion Survey Report of Bhan­sighat Urban Project, Kath­mandu (Sep­tem­ber 2018)

Base­line Nutri­tion Survey Report of Manohara, Thimi Munic­i­pal­ity, Bhak­ta­pur, Nutri­tion for Urban Com­mu­ni­ties project (March 2021)